
Executive Board
Dr. Joachim Lang
Director General

Dr. Joachim Lang has been the Director General of the German Aviation Association (BDL) since July 2024.

Sebastian Dreyer (attorney at law)
Head of Politics and Coordination

Sebastian Dreyer is responsible for governmental and parliamentary relations, the establishment and maintenance of professional contacts with ministries, authorities and parliaments. He also coordinates the policy priority areas oft he association.

Kevin Feld
Project Manager Climate Protection and Aircraft Noise

Kevin Feld is project manager for climate protection and the aircraft noise portal.

Tamara Hartwich (Parental Leave)
Head of Operations, Engineering & Safety

As Head of Flight Operations, Technology and Safety, Tamara Hartwich is responsible for topics such as safety in flight operations and unmanned aviation.

Dirk Helf
Head of Economics and Infrastructure

As Head of Economics, Dirk Helf is responsible for the analysis of the economic significance of aviation, the development of the aviation market and the basic condition. He also takes care of topics such as the digitalisation and automation of travel, airfreight and apron processes, the further development of European air traffic control (regulatory framework and increasing efficiency) as well as needs-based airport infrastructure.

Dr. Lars Hoppe (attorney at law)
Head of Legal

As Head of Legal, Dr. Lars Hoppe is responsible for matters concerning air traffic law, consumer rights and general aviation legislation.

Wolf-Dietrich Kindt
Head of Climate and Environmental Protection

Wolf-Dietrich Kindt looks after matters relating to noise control and environmental and climate protection.

Frank Penner
Head of Operations, Engineering and Safety

As Head of Operations, Engineering and Safety, Frank Penner is responsible for airline operations, aircraft engineering and flight safety.

Christian Schäfer
Head of Security

Christian Schäfer is responsible for issues relating to aviation security, such as security controls, airport security and security checks.

Sebastian Zurfähr
Head of EU Representation

Sebastian Zurfähr is responsible for European Aviation Policy and is the contact person in Brussels for members and staff of the European Parliament and the European Commission, for our member companies and other trade associations.

Media and Public Relations
Alexander Klay, Pressesprecher BDL
Alexander Klay
Press Spokesperson

Alexander Klay is responsible for press relations on the topics of economics and traffic development, infrastructure and air cargo.

Frederike Schantz
Digital Communication and Public Relation

Frederike Schantz is responsible for digital communication and public relations. Particularly she takes care of Social Media and the BDL-Website.

Carola Scheffler
Press Spokesperson

Carola Scheffler is responsible for press relations on the topics of consumers and noise mitigation in air traffic, as well as event management.

Elisabeth Schnell
Press Spokesperson

Elisabeth Schnell is responsible for press relations on the topics of climate protection and issues relating to aviation security.

Executive Office
Irina Bröckl
Office Manager
Benjamin Trinks
Assistant to the Executive Board
Henrik Trinks
Staff at the Reception
+49 30 520077-212